Race Against Time(Faster Load in Android Apps)

Aalap Rawat
2 min readDec 24, 2021

In WorkIndia, Time is precious every day we give jobs to 3k people during work hour in India that is roughly equal to 400 jobs per hour or 6 job every minute. So Time is a precious asset to us. We have been constantly working on new tech that bring more help to people in need of job like server driven UI so the release effort is removed from the stack.

Recently we realised our app took some time to load and during the loading process there is a whitescreen that comes before the splash screen. On digging more we found that this is because of cold boot and to overcome this, Splash screen should have minimal amount of code and that should be quick to load and minimum to no logic should be written on the splash screen. So this was one of the solution. We need to do a workaround on this as we have several module and redirection that happens through splash screen so this option was not viable for us. We searched some more and found a quick solution that would solve our problem in just few lines of code. Inspite of setting layout through the setcontentview we used styles.xml to load the screen background and reduced the code in onCreate and onResume of SplashScreent activity and the results were drastic and we can say confidently that we really saved a lot of time loading the app. So that our user don’t have to stare at the blank screen and that time could be used for searching jobs and getting hired fast.

Old Implementation Vs New Implementation

So results are clearly visible. No white screen, faster load and happy users✌️.

